(October, 2015) A project, two years in the making, has come to fruition! The music, artwork, and story of the Transcendence/Seeds of Peace collaboration of 2013 is now available to the public. After many border crossings, takes, drafts, and edits, we bring you "The Road is Made By Walking". A huge thanks to Shoshana Gottesman, who carried the vision and coordination for this project, as well as Ami Yaris. Both are members of the incredible organization Heartbeat Jerusalem, and doing important work in the world.
Emilia with Poesia Samba Soul in Sao Paulo.
The Transcendence Project is the vision of people who believe that music is a powerful and vital tool for promoting change by allowing us the capacity to transcend personal, cultural, economic, and physical boundaries through music. Presently, the Transcendence Project is lead by Emilia Dahlin; a songstress, with support from Deb Bicknell, a Portland based organizational consultant/facilitator - both have come to the project with experiences and beliefs that making, playing and sharing music together can heal communities, people and unite us. The Transcendence Project is still in its very nascent phase - an exciting time for community members, musicians, and all who are interested to come and join in the creation. Music making is as dynamic and emergent as the Transcendence Project itself.
"One night when I was working in the Middle East, local musicians came to play for us. Sitting in a foreign land, not understanding one word of what was being said I could see and feel how music soothed us, taught us, spoke to each of us and the collective in a way that transcends most things." -Deb Bicknell
Voices join at Tamera in Portugal.
The Transcendence Project:
- manifests as community educational workshops, performances, and storytelling events.
- works to unify our communities (and communities within our communities).
- utilizes technology to connect musicians and audiences globally, as well as locally.
- morphs and changes as its participants and collaborators do.
- grows at an organic and sustainable rate.